My new puppy! Changing colors now LOL - new pix

That puppy is absolutely beautiful! I have a 17 week old boy who is still grappling a little with house-training, too. He's been doing well in the house, but still pees at work (on a cement floor). Luckily I can just hose it away. I catch him in the act probably 3/4 of the time. I yell, "NOOO! OUTSIDE!!!" and put him out the door (which is ALWAYS open!). I'm not sure what his problem is
. At least he poops outside!
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Frankie has been given OUT OF CRATE ALONE priviledges! Have been going for a month with no problems. Good dog.

Molly is doing better with housetraining but is can't be trusted alone.

They are quite a pair. Here they are showing off their "sit at open gate waiting for the OK" trick. Frankie gets to run to the back loose, Molly requires a leash

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Look closely in the background....see how the bottom of the doorframe looks "funny". IT WAS CHEWED UP. See that cord to the upper left, with a big blue tub in front of it? Doggie tug of war on phone line! Now protected by blue tub. See how that lattice on the gate looks CHEWED? Good job Molly. She has chewed actual holes in the other panels.

It's hard work being evil.

That's Frankie. He has turned into a good dog although he was the worst dog that ever existed the first 2 years. He just hit the 3 year old mark and is finally turning into a good dog. Completely trustworthy with the chickens and my cat......GREAT watchdog.....perfectly behaved in public.

He helped me at a chicken sale last month and was a huge hit. I had trouble selling chickens but could have sold him twenty times over.

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