My Niece's show jumping video


8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
Lugoff, SC
My niece is 14 years old and has been taking lessons for a few years now. She does not own her own horse but uses the horses the school has. She has also been playing around with video editing for a couple of years. This video (the one called "Equestrians") is her latest and I think it's very good! The smaller white horse (Sterling) in the video is one she uses the most but she is outgrowing him and will soon have to either lease her own horse or chose another one the stable has. They thought they found one for her to lease but the horse was sold instead.

She has worked so hard on her horsemanship skills and her video skills that I wanted to share her video. Thanks for watching!
OMG!!!! That video was sooo awsome!!!!!! I don't know what to say ...... it made me tear up because it was so moving. I felt every pain, dissapointment, joy that she went through. And Sterling, what a great little horse!! Your niece's horsemanship, riding skill and her video is just awsome. It was great!!! It was just ..... GREAT!!!!!!!
Really nice video
Your niece is learning some great life lessons at a young age! I started riding at the age of 5 - I used to three day event in my teenage years and I now ride dressage. I was just telling my coach this morning that the farther I progress the more I see how much I have left to learn and the better my riding becomes I see how much farther there is to go! I think this is (or should be) true for every discipline and we really need three lifetimes to really figure it all out! Riding and working with horses is an extraordinarily humbling experience and definitely played a huge part in how I turned out as an adult. Your niece is so lucky she gets to have horses in her life, she will most definitely grow up to be a better person for it!
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