My pallet coop in the making...Photos back up

Wow! You've got me thinking. I have a different design, but maybe I should give it up for yours.
I can't see the pictures for some reason
Since I live where its a little chilly in winter and hot in the summer, i will we putting cheap insulation in between the pallets, then stapling cardboard on the inner walls... My friend has a nail gun, so the outter walls took all of 10 minutes to put up.I got the used windows from a window replacing company for free!Also, intead of insulation you could probably use crumpled up newspaper. I started putting up the insulation and cardboard, but gotta cut out a spot for the new window, so now i gotta back track a bit...
Sorry bout that, i thought if I deleted my photos I get more image space,didnt realize it would delete all the stuff I already posted!

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