My parakeets leg suddenly went limp. What’s going on?


Aug 26, 2019
I woke up this morning and noticed that my parakeet Tiki was sitting funny on his leg. I thought maybe he’s just being weird or something and didn’t think anything of it until I let him fly around my room and noticed his leg wasn’t working at all. He was dragging himself along the top of his cage because his leg isn’t working. He was completely fine yesterday and I have no clue what’s going on or how to help. Can anyone help me?

Here’s a picture of that helps
I wish I could take it to a vet but there aren’t any close to me. The nearest one is almost two hours away and I don’t have the money to take him right now. I don’t think it’s broken because his leg isn’t swollen or bruised and when I move his leg he doesn’t act like it hurts him. It’s like his leg got paralyzed over night. I have no clue what could’ve happened to him.
I wish I could take it to a vet but there aren’t any close to me. The nearest one is almost two hours away and I don’t have the money to take him right now. I don’t think it’s broken because his leg isn’t swollen or bruised and when I move his leg he doesn’t act like it hurts him. It’s like his leg got paralyzed over night. I have no clue what could’ve happened to him.

My budgie didn't have any bruises or appear to be in any pain either.

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