My pekin drake has lost alot of feathers on wings? Mainly one wing?

I would look really closely first. I hesitate about insecticides, it's just a quirk of mine. I remember when my pet snake had mites, I was told to get a mite protector strip and put on top of her cage. It worked. But wow, once it had done its work I got rid of it. Ick.

I suppose he could have some kind of allergy, too. Or need a boost of protein. What protein percentage does his feed have?
I will have to have a read of his pellet bag when I get home.
I will check him over closely, just don't want it to go untreated and me lose him.

I will atleast change his straw and bedding.
That would be an odd place for parasites usually according to Storey's guide their found on the head/neck and under the wings.. iirc... um, i too am not a huge proponent of using insecticides willy-nilly and the load would have to be pretty severe to loose him, he looks pretty good actually, some feathers get ragged just before a molt, has he molted at all yet? changing the bedding is a good idea regardless and cause no harm whatsoever.

Amiga's suggestion of a mite strip is a good one, i hate chemicals on my animals and prefer to avoid going there unless absolutely necessary. Did you say how old he is? i may have missed this. Yep, i see he's 2! he should have done a molt this year, did he?

Do you have Storey's guide to ducks? he covers aliments well, it's available in an e-book format too!
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That would be an odd place for parasites usually according to Storey's guide their found on the head/neck and under the wings.. iirc... um, i too am not a huge proponent of using insecticides willy-nilly and the load would have to be pretty severe to loose him, he looks pretty good actually, some feathers get ragged just before a molt, has he molted at all yet? changing the bedding is a good idea regardless and cause no harm whatsoever.

Amiga's suggestion of a mite strip is a good one, i hate chemicals on my animals and prefer to avoid going there unless absolutely necessary. Did you say how old he is? i may have missed this. Yep, i see he's 2! he should have done a molt this year, did he?

Do you have Storey's guide to ducks? he covers aliments well, it's available in an e-book format too!

No I don't have any info on ducks. I need it tho. I will look into it.
His wings have been like this for atleast a month or 2 now. They were clipped at the vets well over a year ago. They would have grown back by now wouldn't they?
I will change his bedding. Should I buy some mite powder and sprinkle it over his bedding just incase? Or is that not a good idea incase he doesn't have any?
No I don't have any info on ducks. I need it tho. I will look into it.
His wings have been like this for atleast a month or 2 now. They were clipped at the vets well over a year ago. They would have grown back by now wouldn't they?
I will change his bedding. Should I buy some mite powder and sprinkle it over his bedding just incase? Or is that not a good idea incase he doesn't have any?
Here is some info on mites and lice.
Here is some info on mites and lice.

After reading this it really does not sound like he has lice/mites at all. I checked him thoroughly last night and could not find a thing.
I am starting to think he is just moulting. Last night he had a blood feather, I had to pluck the feather out. This is part of the moulting process isn't it?
I am starting to think I have stressed over nothing and he may just be moulting?
I am however going to seek advice from the local vet just to be safe as I am still too new at this. I will also change his bedding etc aswell.

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