My Pekin is getting pecked


In the Brooder
May 6, 2020
So I have 2 pekin, a rouin, and a rescue mallard. My male pekin had right below his eye pecked by one of the hens because my flock is all together. Chickens, ducks, and the turkey. They usually all get along fine but as everyone knows chickens have attitudes and ducks do too. His eye has continued to ooze a clear liquid and it has caused his feathers around his eye to get sticky and dirty. No matter what I do to keep it clean it seems as if nothing is working. If anyone has experience with duck eye issues please help! He can still use his eye and the eye ball is completely fine. It’s the surrounding tissue that’s become irritated and gross. Nothing is infected yet.
Sorry to hear about your duck.

A basic eye care treatment we recommend for ducks, is flushing eye gently with saline (homemade will work), after flushing, wiping off any gunk present with a damp towel, and finally applying either an antibacterial ointment like Neosporin, or an ophthalmic gel-like Terramycin. I would recommend the latter option.

Link to brands,
So I have been flushing his eye daily to get the dirt he is getting in there from the mud and muck at the pond. I will start applying the ointment today! Thank you so much for the advice. His little eye isn’t better but it’s not worse.

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