My Pet Chicken Ghoulish Giveaway!

Wow there's some very interesting layers on that list:

Green/Olive Eggs

Ameri-Flowers – Most of these chicks will arrive crested, and grow into large, friendly birds that will lay green eggs. All of the flash of a Blommehonne, with production-like laying!
Barred Olive Egger – Barred chicks that will lay large olive eggs!
Blue Favacauna – Favacaunas! Blue ones!
Blue Olive Egger – These chicks will be 100% blue and lay a large olive egg.
Blue Sex Link – These chicks are an interesting brood. The chicks are fat with big puffy cheeks and you can sex them as soon as they hatch. The males have a white dot on their head and the females are solid blue. The chickens range from very light to very dark blue in color and the hens lay large olive-colored eggs.
Green Magnolias – A beautiful auto sexing green egg layer that are good foragers and friendly. Some will be crested!
Lavender Olive Egger – These chicks will have that beautiful Lavender color, and lay large olive eggs.
Olive Egger – These eggs represent a number of different crosses, and lay eggs anywhere from sage green to a deep, army-type green.
Sex Link Olive Egger – Lays large olive eggs!
Blue/Blue-Tinted Eggs

Barred Blue Egg Layer – These are black barred hens with big combs--and often a crest! They lay very large, blue-tinted eggs about 5 or 6 times per week.
Blue/Black/Splash Ameraucanas – Beautiful, true-breed birds, hardy in heat and cold, that lay big, blue-tinted eggs.
Cream Legbar – Hardy birds that lay blue and blue-green eggs! Boys have a white dot, are lighter, and tend to have a silver shade to their down.
Lavender Ameraucana – Need we say more? Lavender color, beards and muffs, and blue-tinted eggs!
Splash Ameraucana – Beautiful splash birds that lay big blue-tinted eggs.
Super Blue Egg Layer – These start out as yellow chicks and they grow into white hens with black flecks. They typically start laying at the early age of 24 weeks. These hens lay HUGE blue eggs, five to six times per week.
Dark Brown/Chocolate Eggs

Birchen Marans – Always a crowd pleaser, this breed lays the second-darkest egg that we've found, after the Black Copper Marans.
Blue/Black/Splash Marans – You never know what color your chicks will hatch, but you'll love the dark eggs they lay.
Black Copper Marans – One of our favorite breeds. Read more about them.
Southern Blue Bells – These lovely ladies will be blue sex-linked crosses, who will lay dark brown eggs at a production rate! Males will hatch with a dot, while females will not.
My eggs have arrived!
I got 14 eggs, but 2 were broken.
I got 6 Black Copper Marans, 2 Swedish Flowers, 2 Lavender Ameraucanas, & 2 Cream Legbars, along with my 2 broken eggs (1 Legbar & 1 Ameraucana).
I'm using a broody hen to hatch them, so I'm hoping she's covering them enough. She's a LF Cochin.

I got mine today too! And my hen must have seen the delivery and decided she wants me to share! I got 12 Serama eggs, and 2 bonus calico bantam cochin eggs. :ya None broken, air cells look excellent, just one or two a bit wobbly. One fairly bad saddle.

I will incubate 9 of my girls' eggs, 10 of MPCs, plus the 2 cochins and I'll give my girl 3 of hers and 2 from MPC. I think lol. Will let them rest tonight and set in the morning.


My eggs have arrived!
I got 14 eggs, but 2 were broken.
I got 6 Black Copper Marans, 2 Swedish Flowers, 2 Lavender Ameraucanas, & 2 Cream Legbars, along with my 2 broken eggs (1 Legbar & 1 Ameraucana).
I'm using a broody hen to hatch them, so I'm hoping she's covering them enough. She's a LF Cochin.

a LF cochin should be able to cover all 12, good luck!!

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