my pet chicken reviews

I checked on her page, you can sometimes get black chicks with the CCL x white leghorns. They will be black or blue barred birds. Sounds like a cool looking bird you got yourself there!
Not with this year's SBELs but in year's past, I remember Donna saying that sometimes she got dark chicks. I think they wound up being a cuckoo/barred bird. Her current cross is a crested cream legbar over white leghorns giving all yellow chicks. In the past I think she sometimes had an ameracauna roo in the mix.

I checked on her page, you can sometimes get black chicks with the CCL x white leghorns. They will be black or blue barred birds. Sounds like a cool looking bird you got yourself there!

Ah, that's helpful, thanks! It's wing feathers are looking barred. :D
Hi everyone!

Well, after reading everyone's input (especially Blooie. loved how clearly you answered) I decided this year to go with MPC. Tried another small (actual hatchery) batch shipper last year and tho the birds did arrive healthy, 2 of 5 BA's turned out to be roos and I was not happy at all with the size and temperment of the pullets as they grew up. Due to losses over the summer I have too much room in my coop (we really can't have THAT now can we?) and decided to try a small order again that's when I stumbled across MPC. Did my research on line and then of course came back to BYC to check with the real experts. So, yesterday I placed my order. Since I live in the land of frozen tozen, I needed first to make sure their packaging would keep my babies warm, check! Next, a good shipping date (s) for them up here, check! Good customer service, check. Then, a breed (s) that would do well up here and blend with my BA's. Check, (I hope). I decided to go with a breed I have zero experience with but looked absolutely gorgeous and fit my criteria (again I hope). I chose Silver Laced Wyandotte. Had to order 6 because of my zone but that's ok. (But honey, I had to order six, honest! hehehe) I do have room for that many but it will put me to the max. Fingers crossed there are no roos (hubby has a thing about them) but if they turn out half as pretty as the pics, re-homing a roo would not be a problem. My birds cannot be delivered before May 2nd so I have a long time to tap my toes but that is really the best time for them to arrive. Earlier could be really risky for us. Wish me luck!!!!
Hi everyone! :frow
Well, after reading everyone's input (especially Blooie. loved how clearly you answered) I decided this year to go with MPC.  Tried another small (actual hatchery) batch shipper last year and tho the birds did arrive healthy, 2 of 5 BA's turned out to be roos and I was not happy at all with the size and temperment of the pullets as they grew up.  Due to losses over the summer I have too much room in my coop (we really can't have THAT now can we?) and decided to try a small order again that's when I stumbled across MPC.  Did my research on line and then of course came back to BYC to check with the real experts.  So, yesterday I placed my order.  Since I live in the land of frozen tozen, I needed first to make sure their packaging would keep my babies warm, check!  Next, a good shipping date (s) for them up here, check!  Good customer service, check.  Then, a breed (s) that would do well up here and blend with my BA's.  Check, (I hope).  I decided to go with a breed I have zero experience with but looked absolutely gorgeous and fit my criteria (again I hope).  I chose Silver Laced Wyandotte.  Had to order 6 because of my zone but that's ok. (But honey, I had to order six, honest! hehehe) I do have room for that many but it will put me to the max.  Fingers crossed there are no roos (hubby has a thing about them) but if they turn out half as pretty as the pics, re-homing a roo would not be a problem.  My birds cannot be delivered before May 2nd so I have a long time to tap my toes but that is really the best time for them to arrive.  Earlier could be really risky for us.  Wish me luck!!!!

You'll be pleased. Make sure you share pictures when your babies get there!
Well, I've been super happy with my MPC gals. I ordered all girls (10) and got all girls! (One died on day 3, but it just arrived happens, I don't think it's a reflection on MPC.). They are happy and healthy almost 14'week olds now. I order two SLW, this is what they look like today.


Keep in mind, they won't be perfect in coloring as they are hatchery birds so they aren't bred to standard. But, I think my girls are lovely anyway!
I think I keep saying it's the only place I use, I'm excited that I got my order in too, mine will come the week of May 23, I'm past toe tapping and into doing the jig, almost 60 chickens, and I still get excited about more.

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