My Pet Chicken?

last year i ordered three leghorns from MPC and they arrived happy and healthy. one did die at about 2 weeks. the other two are amazing.

however, this year i ordered three welsummers for delivery by march 15th. they canceled my order because they couldn't fill it, and then said that they couldn't fill it till mid may. after going round and round with very helpful people, i finally got a delivery date of april 11th.

but it's frustrating dealing with them, because you aren't in a first come first served basis. if your chicks don't hatch on the day you requested, you're put at the back of the line.

for me, that causes problems because the summer is so hot where i live that i want to have my chicks grown up prior to the start of the heat in july.


I got 15 from them last May. All arrived healthy. One died a week later but I can't really pin that on MPC. Sometimes things just happen. Could have happened if I hatched them myself. I ordered 15 different breed and all hens. All were the correct sex and breed when they matured. I would hilghly recomend MPC. There is no place else to go if you want small quantities and no minimum per breed. I know there offices are in a different place than where the chicks are shipped from. The chicks are shipped from OH. I'm in PA so it's rightnext door and probably one of the reasons I receive the chicks the day after they are shipped. I'm not sure how quick they are received when they are shipped to states that are further away.
We orderd 4 to Carrboro Nc and they all were fine and ALL Happy and Healthy!

We were Very happy with MPC.

I ordered my first chicks from MPC last year and was very pleased. I wanted to start small (boy has that changed!). My chicks arrived happy and healthy and I would order from them again. They were very easy to deal with. The pullets have turned out to be very pretty and awesome layers. My first order was Black Australorps, Buff Orps, SL Wyondottes and EE's.
I just received my order of 7 last week. They hatched Monday and I received them on Wednesday morning here in Oklahoma. All are very healthy. I haven't had a single health issue yet.

I'm very satisfied so far.
I ordered 8 that will be hatched May 9th - can't stand the wait!! I hope they arrive in NH safe and sound - let me know if you order from them and how it turns out for you.
I have my first experience to share..with My "Pet Chicken"
I ordered 6 chicks..Express Mail, They shipped this past Monday, I called later on Tues because they didn't arrive and MPC does not send you any conf. or tracking that they ship..which is kind of wierd..I mean they are precious cargo, anyway I paid for Express so they would get here (Upstate NY) the next day..The guy at MPC said..:"Prob WED" Ok...whatever
They arrived Wed..I picked them up..All were alive. (No heat pack or anything..It was in the 30's
5 out of 6 were the size of thimbles..literally very tiny little runts..Adorable little angels..
Got them snug and cozy in their nice brooder with their siblings of the same age that I hatched..Yep FUN , FUN...I then had the "pleasure" of waching them die slowly one by one......
I tried everything in my power to save them, I think were too small to survive the trip..
Thank you MPC for this wonderful heartwarming exprerience..Oh I do have one left..(The one that wasn't a runt)
Do I sound bitter? Yeah..Cause I'm gonna go now and watch the 5th one as she goes to heaven...
Sorry but I would rather stick sharp needles in my eye than ordering chicks online from one of these places and put them thru hell..I feel very guilty I did this..Never again!

Just thought I would lighten this up with a pic of my little dolly Patsy..A true fighter and a real sweetheart..please cross your fingers..She is the remaining runt..

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I ordered 6 assorted chicks from MPC last year. Only 5 arrived as that was the time they had trouble with the incubators and losted all their BO eggs. I was not notified by email or phone that they even shipped. Customer service did give me credit for the missing chick, but they were not very nice about it and refused to give me any credit for the postage. (not their cost). Three months later I ordered 7 more to get the BO that was missing, this time I did receive an email stating that they would arrive a week later than planned, but did not receive any notification that they had shipped. I was very disappointed as MPC is local, but all my chicks arrived from Polk, Ohio and I thought I was supporting a local business. The shipping is expensive so make sure you order all you want the first time
. But despite a few newbie "errors"......All my chicks arrived on time and VERY healthy, they have matured into nice hens with a good rate of lay. My Australorp is huge, but the BO seems very small...she is still young yet though. The best compliment I can give though is ALL 12 ARE HENS!!!! NOT ONE ROO!!

ETA: Now that I am a BYC member I hope to be able to purchase any "replacements" to my flock from fellow members, but if I ever have a reason to order chicks thru the mail again, I would use MPC!
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