My Pet Chicken


10 Years
Jul 29, 2013
Southern Illinois
I hope I'm posting this in the right category. Anyway, I'm sure this has come up before, but my dad is very picky on which hatcheries to order from. We've been with Murray McMurray for quite some time, and they've been very good, don't get me wrong, and we will keep ordering from them. However, I would like some other varieties of different breeds that MPC offers, and must convince my dad that they are reliable. How have your experiences been? Any comments/input are certainly welcome!
I just got an order from them yesterday! I ordered 6 silkie pullets, they arrived the morning after they hatched, all alive, all healthy, all doing well, no filler chicks, and all what I ordered!!
My first batch of chicks should arrive in the next hour or so! They were ordered from mypetchicken, will let you know how that goes.

They technically took two days to get to me, but I think that that's the USPS's doing more so then the hatchery. They arrived at my local PO at 9:30 this morning, but my moms at work so I can't get them until later :( Luckily the lady at the post office deals with a lot of live animals and kows the deal, so she looked and gave them some water, and told us they were healthy, so that's good, but I'm still anxious."
Thank you for your replies. You guys may have convinced him. Enjoy your chicks!
I did have one chick from there die, but I am convinced 100% that was the fault of USPS.

Hope you manage to convince him, they have a great service.
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I did have one chick from there die, but I am convinced 100% that was the fault of USPS.

Hope you manage to convince him, they have a great service.
I'm sorry that happened. We usually expect at least one or two casualties from the trip through the mail. Like you said, it's mostly (if not all) USPS. If we saw how some of the mail workers handle our boxes clearly labeled FRAGILE: LIVE CHICKS, we'd probably have a heart attack. Unfortunately, some people just don't pay enough attention, or simply do not care. I think I have enough positive material here for him to look into it.
Yeah, unfortunately. We had ordered four instead of three, in case something happened... Personally though, if our laws allowed it, I would get wwwwaaayy more than four chickens.
I ordered my chickens ten weeks ago from my pet chicken. They were/and are perfect angels. My Pet Chicken really did a great job. I went to my local feed store and got another chick that was born a day after mine and it was from 'Ideal'... Eh not the best. Not to mention it was not the bird I wanted. Now this could have been a mess up on the feed store... But they were all the same just obviously labeled wrong. I still don't know what she is, I'm just glad she's a SHE.. I am definitely sticking with my pet chicken from now on... Just saying.
This was the box they came in
I just received my new babies yesterday from my petchicken and they're all healthy and happy! Great place! I've ordered a few times from there and so haven't friends of mine :)

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