My Polish Hen Has Head Lice!

Your most welcome and good luck with Hattie, she's a very pretty bird
thanks so much! i adore hattie! by the way...any of you can join my online poultry show "Silkie Polish Leghorn Poultry!" if you'd like! you may also visit my thread "Story Away!" to tell stories about your chickens! i will keep you updated on Hats! (i will try, at least!)
no. i never saw any in the first place.she just itched a lot, and the back of her head was bald. today, she seemed to have so much energy, she chased me up the driveway. lol. don't worry, i have a fence and a gate! i am still planning to give Hattie a checkup, though...she has something else wrong with her. i started a thread about it called "My Hen Has A White Tongue!" you can visit it if you'd like.
me too! i mostly hope i don't have to put her down. even if she had brain damage, or anything like that, i would keep Hattie forever.

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