My Polish Roo Kakashi and our love/hate relationship


Feb 21, 2018
Long Island, New York
I love this handsome guy but he seems to hate me. He was always skittish but since he's come of age, he's become aggressive. Sometimes he'll come really close to me and try to dance around me or tidbit at me. Sometimes he'll give me death stares and jump kick me. If he wasn't such a good roo to the girls I wouldn't bother putting up with him but he's a great flock leader and I think he's absolutely gorgeous. I try to pick him up and hold him when he's being aggressive but I don't feel it's working. Plus he's quite quick and hard to catch. Lately I try to keep my distance and watch my back around him. The last time he jumped at me was when I was retrieving eggs from the nest box. 3 of my silkies are broody, so I gave them some eggs to sit on and this seems to have calmed him down some. He lets me gather eggs from the other nest boxes, but only under his supervision. He follows me into the coop and stands guard in front of the broodies' box. He makes cautionary clucks to the flock when I approach, and to be honest I'm a bit hurt by this as I hatched and hand raised him them. Regardless, I still love this crazy chook, just wish he would love me back LOL :hmm:confused::gig
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So cute! My roos are the same way. One more so than the other. Roosty keeps his distance from me. His brother on the other hand, is always thinking I'm some evil human that's got it out for him. Not sure why. oh well. He'll hopefully he'll like me someday.

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