My poor hen is sick! I think...

I couldn't figure out how to upload on my phone so I attached pics in an email from my phone and sent them to my email. Then I got on my laptop and downloaded to my desktop. Then I uploaded on BYC and put them in an album. It's an around the world process but it worked and i'm not smart enough I guess to figure out an easier way. Hope this helps.
Ok, I’ve come to the conclusion she has sour crop. I picked her up this morning and a lot of brown liquid came pouring out of her mouth. After some research I put some olive oil in her mouth and massaged her crop and more came out. Put her back in the coop and it looked like she was gasping for air so I was preparing to dispatch her to stop any suffering. After about 5 mins she chilled out and is breathing normal right now but still has her head tucked in and her feathers are puffed out. She seems to be a little more responsive than before so I assume that’s a good sign. Will check back in a few hours.

Any other advice is appreciated and thank your for the replies!!
Update: she seems to be doing a lot better! She is more alert and even felt good enough to get out of the coop, get some water and peck some fresh food. I limited her food intake just in case.
we are currently dealing with sour crop right now. two of our chicks died before we realized what it was, glad you caught it before it was too late. Hope your hen has a full recovery:fl
Ms. Trenchbull deteriorated overnight and couldn’t stand, was breathing very heavily and could barely open her eyes so I made the decision to end her suffering. It was sad and a hard decision but I felt better knowing she is no longer suffering. We buried her in our yard in between our newly planted lime and lemon trees in hopes that she will help fertilize our new trees. The cycle of life is an amazing thing.

After I dispatched her (with an ax for a quick and humane kill) I did a little digging to see what was wrong. Her crop was full and she had a strange white liquid leaking from her vent. Didn’t find a reason as to what caused this but I’m happy I was able to end her suffering.

Thank you everyone for your help and replies! It is much appreciated!

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