My Portable, Collapsible, Adjustible Chicken Day Pen


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 25, 2014
Charlotte, NC
My Coop
My Coop
My chickens cannot free range and even though they have enough room in their coop and run, sometimes I think they'd like to explore the garden a little more. I was looking for a day-run for the girls, somewhere I could put them to give them a little more space, and I came up with this:

Inspired by something I saw on BYC (I think) I built this day-run myself. I like it because it folds flat to store, is lightweight so easy to move around, and is adjustible so it will set over my narrow vege garden rows but can be widened to give the girls the max amount of room. It can also fit in the back of my minivan so I can take the girls to our local elementary school for show-and-tell. Charlotte and Sophia seem very happy to spend some of their time in their new run.

I used plastic utility fencing on the ends so it is not predator proof and thus, the girls only use it when I am home to supervise. They are better protected than if they were free ranging (I guess) but pretty vulnerable to the likes of a random neighbourhood dog that might come through my unfenced yard (unlikely, but possible).

I put a tutorial together on my blog if anyone is interested: Greens, Eggs and Cans Blog

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