My Pullet Ate Too Much Grit- yes really!

Do you have her on any electrolytes or vitamins? While the poop is green, it's not neon green so that's good as that would indicate kidney issues.
If she's not already on nutri-drench, I would consider adding that to her regimen.
The only thing I’m adding is nutridrench, but I just picked that up yesterday. She seemed really interested in it and ate more last night, but now she’s meh about all things food again. She has drunk quite a bit of the water with nutridrench though. Glad to hear that kidney issues aren’t happening.
Got some cute pictures today. At least she’s still acting like herself.
Is she emptying her crop?
Honestly didn’t check this morning… Right now it is small and feels like a water balloon, likely due to her diet being liquid right now.
Also, I syringe fed her 1mL of Nutridrench. It says 1mL per lb of body weight, so I’ll give her another mL before I head out for Thanksgiving dinner.
Before her surgery, could you tell if her digestive system was completely blocked or was it working some? Was she pooping at all?
It was working some, but it was weird poop. First pic I’m adding is from 11/15, the day of her first vet appt. Second pic is from 11/17, two days before her surgery, at the time I assumed the weird shape was due to coconut oil? 🤷🏼‍♀️
Empty crop this morning, so that’s good even though there wasn’t much there in the first place. Aaaand I broke some rules and gave her some clover leaves this morning. Mostly just to see if she’d eat them, I did give her a teensy amount of grit too which she appeared to eat. So she still has an appetite and just isn’t eating her crumble? Do chickens do that thing where if something makes them sick they won’t eat it again? And like in humans can the wires get crossed where they won’t eat something even if it wasn’t the thing that made them sick? Kinda like when you have the flu and eat something and then don’t even want to look at it later because your brain messes up and thinks it made you sick?
Also gave her another mL of Nutridrench, which is about as easy as pilling a cat!
Not sure what the rules are. But, she might not be interested due to the changes in crumble? It sounds like you've made some changes from the post where you talked about feed? If she is only getting crumble and nothing else, then she doesn't need grit.
Maybe consider tube feeding to get her back on track.
Oh by ‘rules’ I just meant giving her food that can’t be digested without grit. She is eating what’s left of the same feed she’s had for a few months now, so no changes for her. The other chickens are eating the new feed due to it having the best mill date at the store. She hasn’t been eating the crumble, or eggs, or Greek yogurt for the last couple of days, which is I why I tried one of her favorite treats-clover.
Thanks for the link on tube feeding! I’ll give it a look! 🙂

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