My pullets keep pecking me

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Have had this happen several times, mostly with hand fed chicks often as they come of age and get spunky. It's pretty easily curbed with calm and deliberate determination.

I peck them back, on the head or anywhere I can reach, with the tips of thumb and first 2 fingers, as hard and fast as many times as I can before they get away. Well, not hard enough to hurt them, just startle them and let them you mean business. That's what another chicken would do, so they understand that kind of communication.

If that doesn't work after a couple applications, I hold them down to the ground with my hand on their back until they submit....again firmly enough to get the job done but not hurt them....add a few finger pecks and/or tug on the feathers on the back of their neck.
Having the same issue. They peck jeans, mucking boots, and now thanks to you I know what to do. Thanks, aart.
It could be a curiosity thing or just kind of a habit. I have a hen who does this occasionally and I've chalked it up to her being curious. If you want to stop it then I'd suggest flicking there beaks gently every time one of them pecks you. They'll get the message.
My flock is still young with some birds at 1 month old and some at 2. They are toe peckers for sure! I have had to do the finger peck thing to one or two of mine so far for the very reason you posted and it helps for the duration of my visit, but then the next day they are repeat offenders. Hopefully with time, their curiosity about my flavor will cease.
I have 3 new pullets that do this to me & I'm recovering from back surgery so I can't bend to peck them. :barnie

They were not hand fed & were raised on a farm with tons of other pullets so they were never handled but I walk into the run & they immediately run to me & peck my shoes & legs. Bratty little pests! :smack I have to be very careful not to trip over them, thats all I need. Hoping they grow out of it soon, they're just coming into lay.
Wear jeans and shoes or boots! Getting wounded is not fun, and having them not respect your space is not good.
I will have to start putting on pants. I wear a muck shoe already, but bare legs were irrestible.

And yes, being right on that scar hurt. I guess like little kids, they have to be taught there are consequences to unacceptable behavior.

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