My quail died of stress. Should I eat her?


Highly quailified
Nov 28, 2020
Honolulu, HI
I never thought I'd ever ask this question. She was alive last night. This morning, she is dead. I'm 99% sure it was the stress that got her. She was moved several times, there was a rehoming with new birds, then a separation back to the two others in her flock, but in a new pen. What do you guys think? Should she be eaten or thrown out? She is as hard as a rock, no warmth left.
I never thought I'd ever ask this question. She was alive last night. This morning, she is dead. I'm 99% sure it was the stress that got her. She was moved several times, there was a rehoming with new birds, then a separation back to the two others in her flock, but in a new pen. What do you guys think? Should she be eaten or thrown out? She is as hard as a rock, no warmth left.
Don’t eat her.
She wouldn’t taste good.
I threw her out. That also felt weird -- usually, with pets, there is a burial of some sort, a ritual of closure. These quail aren't exactly pets, but they aren't exactly anonymous supermarket poultry either.

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