My Quail Eggs HATCH IS DONE!! *PICS!* PG 6 & 8 & 9!!!!!:)

Ohhh...I'm sorry. I never had that happen so I can't guide you but I do hope it'll be ok. Here's some luck -

this is the second time this has happen to me .. i don't know why the chicks hatch so soon with the sac not all the way gone.. i just check on it and it's still breathing and it's peeping a little bit....

i hope the others don't hatch like that

an heres some luck for your eggs

Thanks for the luck - I need it! How soon before chicken eggs hatch do they start rocking? I've got one little mover and the turner is still in that incubator too. Don't want to make the same mistake as yesterday.
it's my first time hatching quails and i said i wouldn't get myself so into it but i have... i can't believe it died on me

and chicken eggs will start to wiggle on day 18... everytime i take mine off the turner on day 18 i see them wiggle.. but mine always pip on day 20 and hatch on day 21... but my last hatch my chicks pip and hatch on day 20 so it vairys
I have to question the accuaracy of the temps in your bator and the humidity if you have quail/ducklings/chicks hatching with yolk exposed and then dying.

What have your temperatures been the entire incubation? What % have you kept the humidity?
My temp stays at 99.5 doesn't go up or down.. and humidity.. stays at around 45 50% during incubation

and right now humidity during hatching is 76%
Sorry about the one quail BB....but there is a lot more life about to come into this world. Dont lose hope yet and keep thinking postitvely about the rest of the eggs!
Thanks Sam

yea i see other button eggs moving so i hope they will hatch ok..

and i just heard some peeping from the bator i'm not sure if it's the buttons or the

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