My Roos comb has fallen over!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 27, 2009
Is this normal ? I've never seen this before. We have been having record temps around here, and I've been putting extra water everywhere. What do I need to do. This is my favorite roo. He's always been kind and gentle with the girls and me as well.
I would really hate to loose him because I'm stupid.
I posted a pic but no responses. I mean is it normal? I really love this roo. I hope I don't loose him.
Also, do you have a fan in the coop to keep a cooler air flow going? I would first think dehydration. I keep ice bottles in my water-ers feed frozen peas and corn, hose down the bushes/trees where they prefer to hang out... Sometimes my roos comb will do that a bit, and that is the only symptom. If its starts paling, I might get a bit more concerned. Can you split a watermelon? Dont cut it up or anything, just half it and then half it again, and set it down, They will eat it down in no time, and it seems to help my girls on a hot day. I also find things that will temp them to eat early in the day and later in the evening, with higher protiens... Well anyway, good luck, Hope he'll be ok.
It's watery and a little green looking. Thank you. And yes there are two fans. I brought him in and gave him some pedialite .. I'm hoping this helps.
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Yeah, watery and green means he is not eating enough food. Try some scrambled eggs... You might need to keep him in for a few days... Till he recovers. If a bird is hot, they do not really eat a lot.. Try frozen oatmeal and berries. Nice cold treat. Your other birds will probably appreciate it as well.

I have lost 2 birds to this heat...
I'm really not sure what is wrong with my roo, but I'm given him antibiotics and feeding him some baby food. I think that his crop has had something to do with this. As well as the heat.
I brought him in and have been watching over him and he seems to be getting better. I read some where in here about massaging the crop that it helps sometime in breaking up the hardness. Well any how the crop or what I'm guessing is his crop has gone down. He also had a good poo still with a little green but I'm trying to get food in his belly. I did end up turning him over so that some of what was in the crop could leak out. I just hope that he pulls through. His comb is still not erect like it normally was but I guess in time it will be. Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.


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