My rooster is not mating

already tried. Seriously I've tried everything. All of them were adults when they met
Will your hens get broody? If so, you could get some fertile eggs and have them hatch chicks and just keep one of the males as his replacement.
Being raised as part of his flock it is more likely for him to accept his "son" and for the growing "son" to respect his "father".
sadly no, the second he calls the girls they shoo him away and take it all. In return he gets aggressive. Thanks for the idea tho :)
Hmm.. In return he gets aggressive? Does he try to jump on them or peck their backs in attempt to mate?
If you really want to keep your roo then maybe if you got new hens (younger then him) they would submit to him. If you have the space you could still keep your other hens and just add 2 new young hens? Or a separate coop for new hens and your rooster? others have suggested also if you have an incubator then just put a couple eggs in and see if any develop, he might be mating in the dark at night when the hens least expect it :D You said you crack and check the eggs fertility but maybe he got lucky in the dark one time so you could try the incubator anyway.
Hmm.. In return he gets aggressive? Does he try to jump on them or peck their backs in attempt to mate?
If you really want to keep your roo then maybe if you got new hens (younger then him) they would submit to him. If you have the space you could still keep your other hens and just add 2 new young hens? Or a separate coop for new hens and your rooster? others have suggested also if you have an incubator then just put a couple eggs in and see if any develop, he might be mating in the dark at night when the hens least expect it :D You said you crack and check the eggs fertility but maybe he got lucky in the dark one time so you could try the incubator anyway.
Yeah he gets aggressive only when the hens snatch the food from his mouth. No he doesn't. Other than that they are really good friends, just not more than that. Ill
Hmm.. In return he gets aggressive? Does he try to jump on them or peck their backs in attempt to mate?
If you really want to keep your roo then maybe if you got new hens (younger then him) they would submit to him. If you have the space you could still keep your other hens and just add 2 new young hens? Or a separate coop for new hens and your rooster? others have suggested also if you have an incubator then just put a couple eggs in and see if any develop, he might be mating in the dark at night when the hens least expect it :D You said you crack and check the eggs fertility but maybe he got lucky in the dark one time so you could try the incubator anyway.
one of my hens turned broody twice and I gave her the eggs and they didn't develop.
Yeah he gets aggressive only when the hens snatch the food from his mouth.

I'd get aggressive if someone stole food out of my mouth too LOL - even if it was my nearest and dearest!.

But back to your flock - Sounds to me like your hens have accepted your roo as a flockmate but he is lower in the pecking order than they are and therefore not accepted for mating purposes. He also sounds too polite to simply "assert" his position as the rooster. If it were possible.. I'd say introduce a new younger hen in an attempt to give him one girl who is going to be "complicit" and see what happens.

My flock is similar - the younger and "some" of the older hens accept the rooster but the older "matron" of the flock and a couple of the higher pecking order hens simply ignore him.
I'd get aggressive if someone stole food out of my mouth too LOL - even if it was my nearest and dearest!.

But back to your flock - Sounds to me like your hens have accepted your roo as a flockmate but he is lower in the pecking order than they are and therefore not accepted for mating purposes. He also sounds too polite to simply "assert" his position as the rooster. If it were possible.. I'd say introduce a new younger hen in an attempt to give him one girl who is going to be "complicit" and see what happens.

My flock is similar - the younger and "some" of the older hens accept the rooster but the older "matron" of the flock and a couple of the higher pecking order hens simply ignore h
ok then, are you able to pick up a couple of younger hens for your roo to try to mate?
i am giving my rooster some alone time with the hens. I see progress . I will think about new hens if needed. BTW the treat idea seems to work I think, they are hanging out with him more than usual

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