My Rosie is limping!

The limp isn’t visible but the flock is chasing her. I’m allowing it if I see it because she’s probably being reassigned a pecking order position. But I see her hiding so much I’m not sure she’s eating. Tonight she’s in a nest instead of roosting. She seems ok otherwise.
For better reintegration you could just have her with one of the more docile hens for some days and then add another and reintegrate the threesome after 7-10 days.This way she will not be the odd one out but part of a threesome.
Rosie seems to be integrated as I see her around more but I see her avoiding certain hens. Her favorite spot to hide seems to be on the roof of the “guest house” used mostly when one needs separation. I’m not so worried now although she has taken to sleeping in a nest which has a curtain. She hangs with her sister often.
Well, as long as she get enough food she should be alright. But I would think that her leg might get too much pressure when jumping down from the "guest house" roof.

Spending the night in a nest instead of roosting might be caused by her half broodiness or the leg issue or the others not allowing her on the roost.

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