my screwed chicken

Ok i'm gonna say it....$400???? WOW!!! That's a lot to spend on a chicken!!!

However if you could afford it and the chicken ment that much to you so be it!! Not sure i could have spent that.
I'm glad someone else said it first!
I've spent that on my dog, but only because she was screaming in pain and I didn't have a gun handy. A chicken? Not on your life!
It was a lot of money but I guess I'm just a big softy and yes, those are some VERY expensive eggs. One thing I learned was that the reason she went after this screw in particular was because it was red. I did not know chickens tried to eat anything red. Expensive lesson to learn and I am embarrassed by the amount I spent....but I do love my animals.
I couldn't believe that it came all that way through without ripping something or piercing an organ, in which case she would have died and I would have never known why.

Makes you wonder how often that happens and it kills the bird witout us knowing.
Interesting little side story to things coming through the body....

My grandma swallowed a sewing needle when she was a little girl. One day when she was around 78 she had an itch on her back and felt a hard object under the surface of the guessed it! That needle had worked its way to the surface some 70 years later!

Good thing she didn't have any thread on it, I've heard of animals swallowing a sewing needle and it literally sewed their bowels up by winding its way through the intestines.
OMG yes... these things happen a lot!

Every time I get an MRI tiny bits of metal slowly work their way out of my skin on my abdomen.

Nobody believed it was metal until we got out a magnet and waved it over the bits. They jumped up and stuck right to it.

One time I opened up a can of refried beans and the whole can was permeated with strands of long blond hair.

I think we all eat bits and pieces of various things like plastic, metal and bugs in our processed foods.
(sorry! don't want to hijack this great thread, but...)

yep, "m'hair!"

Once I got over my reaction
I ran the contents through a sieve and when finished I had probably 2 handfuls of human hair. It was approx. 6" long.

The only thing I can think of is that some poor factory worker got too close to the bean grinding machine. I checked the label and it was canned in Mexico.
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