Here is the deal. I have 2 Black Silkie hens & 1 White Leghorn hen. I was given a Golden Commet hen to add to this group yesterday. When I first added the new hen to the lot the Silkies went mad with it. They keep chasing the new hen all over the lot and sometimes keeping her contained in the coop. The Silkies dont seam to have any issue with the Leghorn. I am also concerned since I have some 2 month old chicks seperated out but I have noticed the Silkies showing aggression toward them and I am concerned about how they will react with the little ones when I put them in the coop. I really like the Silkies and they are producing eggs almost every day. They are the smallest chickens but they are in charge. Can anyone help me with what I need to do to help my chickens get along. "Why cant they all just get along?"
Thanks for any help!
Thanks for any help!