my son and I were involved in a car wreck UPDATED 8-16-08

Queen Scoot

Crochet Chieftess
11 Years
May 27, 2008
he was gonna take me out to lunch at sonic so we ordered our food and was getting ready to leave. well this truck was turnin into sonic and waved us son pulled out and wham-o got hit by another car in the front end. hes cars a loss i'm sure! thank goodness no one was hurt. i am still shook up and have seatbelt marks on my neck,chest and tummy and my leg hurts where my keys were in my pocket where the seatbelt come across your lap.
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Yikes! I am glad you and your son are ok. I hope you went and got checked out at the hospital just to be safe.
did you go to the er in the ambulance?
A police officer told me after I was rear ended to ALWAYS go to the er via an ambulance after an accident. Helps your claim, should there be one.

You will probably be more sore within a few days. Even if you arent feeling it now. Whiplash usually shows up within a few days of the accident. If it does, and you havent already. Go to the er. Have xrays done. Take any prescription and then fill it. Even if you dont use it.

I hope you feel better soon and that your son is alright.
I was happy that when I was rear ended my daughter was home with my dh. The force of the car hitting us moved the rear bumper and seat forward by 3.4 inches. If she had been with me she could have been seriously hurt. Hence the reason we now have a larger vehicle
So sorry to hear about the accident. I'm glad you are okay but, keep the heating pad handy for the soreness and stiffness to set in tomorrow.
I'm sorry to hear that! :-( I try to never wave anyone on b/c I don't want to be responsible for an accidents. I know in some states, the person that waves someone on will take at least partial fault for an accident.

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