My son opened the incubator!


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2022
My son opened the incubator for a second and realized a chick has made a tiny crack in the egg, what do I do? Let it be? Can I help it? We’re at the end of incubation and hatching soon!
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My son opened the incubator for a second and realized a chick has made a tiny crack in the egg, what do I do? Let it be? Can I help it?
How long has the egg been incubating? You can seal up a crack with liquid bandage or nail polish.
No need to help, it knows what to do. Time to bump up your humidity and leave the ‘bator closed except to add water if necessary.

Is this your first hatch? The excitement never seems to fade when you know babies are on their way.
ain’t that the truth! I feel like a kid on christmas day when we get close to hatch time!! currently have a broody ready to hatch any day now and I am pretty sure she’s sick of seeing my face pop into her area.
LOL I can totally relate! My broody got to the point she’d growl at me when she saw me approaching.
I can’t see humidity it’s just temp. They are silkie eggs I pulled from my hen and didn’t know how long they were under her, had one hatch Friday and one is shaking and one has a tiny crack
what day are you on? a quick open isn’t gonna hurt anything! make sure your temp and humidity are good and let those little fluff ball pip and zip their way into the world 🤗
We’re at the end. I don’t have an official date because no clue how long she was on them before I pulled them. More worried about it shrinking membranes

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