My technicolor chicks! Hens or Roos?

I'd say # 2 is a rooster, and the rest are hens,and there's one that looks close to laying,that's an uneducated muse.
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I am new to determining the sex but #3 looks like a rooster. But mostly I wanted to say how beautiful they all are.
Thanks! I think they are pretty too. Someone has started crowing. I've heard him in the mornings inside the hen house, but I don't know which one it is! He sounds pretty terrible, his voice is still cracking!
The first three are cockerels. They have some silkie blood in the mix, that's where the crests, feathered feet and five toes came from.
That's right, they do have five toes. I didn't even notice that until I was cleaning up the four bodies I lost to a skunk invasion.

Most of them have feathered legs and a few have crests, but the ones I'm sure are pullets just look like little EE's.

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