My test shipments!!! Last one's in the mail today...(Cross ur fingers)

WOW Thanks for that info, it would explain what happened to me a few months ago. I ordered eggs and the box arrived at the PO with over $4 due for shipping. When I opened the box, it was a flat rate box turned inside out!!! What a jip!
And I thought it was a simple mistake or human error about the shipping.
Oh gosh- don't mess with bubble wrapping each individual egg.

Get a big bag of pine shavings (like what people use in horse stalls- at Tractor Supply for around $5- it will last you FOREVER). Put a handful of shavings in an egg crate. Nest each egg in a dimple in the shavings. Put another handful of shavings over the eggs, making sure no eggs are touching. Close the crate (it will be tight, but very secure.) Wrap the crate in tissue paper and then bubble wrap. Nest it in a box of packing peanuts, newspaper, or tissue paper.

Of the hundreds of eggs I've shipped this way, I've only had reports of two breaking. I can pack eggs in just a couple of minutes this way.

BTW, I usually ship in the 9X11 Priority boxes- I put packing peanuts so that the box is a bit puffed out. The shipping price is usually very reasonable.
Edited: I lied!!! I counted someone twice!!! There's still one more spot left here and PM me if you want free eggs for the cost of shipping!!!!

I didn't post this with a title about free eggs all u pay is shipping because I didn't want it to be a race.
Anyways, I'll let everyone know within a week or so....Thanks!
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I wish you luck. I can't seem to sell eggs to save my life!

I have a beautiful flock of "pure" Easter Eggers [most of them are Ameraucanas] and I also have a very high quality flock of pure Cuckoo Marans, and I can't sell eggs from either flock! [I was looking to make $6-8 per dozen, $6 on the EEs and $8 on the CMs!].

I'm missing a trick somewhere I guess... I never expected it to be so hard sell nice quality hatching eggs!

Keep us informed on your journey and if you learn any tips, please share!

Still need one more....So far I have:





LOL, right now I just have WAY too many eggs....I can't sell OR give away any of them, no one wants them cause they haven't been pasturized....
And the last spot goes to ADRIANNA......thanks for the help, everyone, and we'll see how this shipping thing turns out. I'll be getting back with my lucky 5 shipping guinea pigs (
) within a week...
Monkey Mama-I don't get that either.
Cjeanean-And I don't understand why they want pasturized eggs? I have Buff Orps and RIRs and the last couple of weeks I don't have enough eggs to fill the orders, the eggs are for eating though, I haven't sold any mutt eggs

Can't wait to be a guinea pig!!
I don't know either....I was leery of the bacteria issue until I did some research....when an egg is laid it's almost 100% sterile AND covered by a protective coating (bloom), so when you wash/pasturize you are probably doing more harm than good. I dunno, I will NEVER eat store eggs ever again....they're freakin' nasty!!!!

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