My Thanksgiving story and why I need to talk to Santa

Would you give a spoiled kid for Xmas coal?

  • Yes and he deserves nothing

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • No I need him to love me

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters

Requiring hugs in order to get a "prize" seems so wrong to me.

I personally would not treat him any different just because he did not give a hug.
Maybe he was having a bad day...
Maybe he needed a nap...
Maybe we should not read to much into it all.

I always hated being forced to hug relatives or others at gatherings. I have never been a "hugger". It didn't make me less of a person or an unkind just meant I don't like hugs.

Perhaps a better way to be "connected" to the young man is to participate one on one in a game or project like Legos or something he likes to do. It gives a lot of gentle teaching moments that don't feel like "teaching him a life lesson".

I won't go into explanation about my childhood. I simply want to state i agree with you. I always tell my grandchildren that i would like a hug, but that it is really okay with me if they choose not to. And i urge my children not to say anything to my grandchildren that may cause them to feel guilty.
I won't go into explanation about my childhood. I simply want to state i agree with you. I always tell my grandchildren that i would like a hug, but that it is really okay with me if they choose not to. And i urge my children not to say anything to my grandchildren that may cause them to feel guilty.
I'm not too concerned about him not wanting to hug me. I could always ask him next time if he would prefer just a handshake. We could even have a special handshake between just me and him. Its the rudeness and lack of empathy that concerns me.
Not surprising when his mother calls him an ahole.
Tough family this the same people who won't deal with their dog?
No thats my inlaws. Yesterday I was sitting on their couch resting after a big meal and saw my FIL playing with their dog. Dog straight up had his whole hand in her mouth and was biting. By instinct from what I've been doing with my dog I shouted No Bite! My FIL said "its ok she's just playing" :thdear lord please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
No thats my inlaws. Yesterday I was sitting on their couch resting after a big meal and saw my FIL playing with their dog. Dog straight up had his whole hand in her mouth and was biting. By instinct from what I've been doing with my dog I shouted No Bite! My FIL said "its ok she's just playing" :thdear lord please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

When we used to still talk to the inlaws, I would always pray for patience. Because if I prayed for strength, I would have punched somebody!!

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