My Tom just can't seem to get it right


Jun 8, 2022
I would really like to raise some turkeys. I have a black Tom and a Bourbon hen. The Tom is going on 3 years of age and I think the hen is at least one. She shows interest in mating and so does he but, he is the clumsiest bird I have ever seen. It's like he just doesn't have it figured out. He repeatedly falls off, or starts at the wrong end. She has been laying since shortly after her arrival here, but so far nothing has been fertile. Any suggestions as to how I can help this couple make it happen? It looks like she may have just started sitting on a small clutch. I'll sneak a few and candle 7-10 days.
I saw some folks selling turkey eggs saying that some breads of Tom turkeys are to fat to reproduce. Maybe a diet plan is needed?
I would really like to raise some turkeys. I have a black Tom and a Bourbon hen. The Tom is going on 3 years of age and I think the hen is at least one. She shows interest in mating and so does he but, he is the clumsiest bird I have ever seen. It's like he just doesn't have it figured out. He repeatedly falls off, or starts at the wrong end. She has been laying since shortly after her arrival here, but so far nothing has been fertile. Any suggestions as to how I can help this couple make it happen? It looks like she may have just started sitting on a small clutch. I'll sneak a few and candle 7-10 days.
Not all toms are good breeders. I personally will not use a poor breeder. If you feel you have to use him as a breeder, try Artificial Insemination.

My advice is to get a different tom.
I saw some folks selling turkey eggs saying that some breads of Tom turkeys are to fat to reproduce. Maybe a diet plan is needed?
Those are production turkeys. They've been bred to have very large breasts and to be very heavy. Makes mating impossible and they can squish the hens. They actually artificially inseminate production turkeys. Heritage breeds don't have this problem.
Those are production turkeys. They've been bred to have very large breasts and to be very heavy. Makes mating impossible and they can squish the hens. They actually artificially inseminate production turkeys. Heritage breeds don't have this problem.
So you don't have production turkeys?

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