My turn to be suspicious- male/female cochin? (drumroll.... BOY!)

At 5 weeks, I was pretty sure with mine. Yours looks all pullet to me. I've never been able to tell the difference with "feathering out." I think that's closer to an old wives tale than fact.
I'm sticking to my first answer as well... Pullet.
. The comb is still small and yellow. The feathering of yours is similar to my frizzle Cochin. I'm still positive I have a girl too. If by chance I'm wrong and mine is a boy, I'm going to breed it with one of my hens and keep the chicks. I just love my Cochin!
Since these are my first chicks, I'm not sure what to look for with the feathers anyway... but I've noticed that even hatch-mates of the same sex have feathered out at different rates and different orders. All finished the same though. I do hope you're correct... I would love to have a roo but am not permitted.
They would be cute!
I'd love to as well, but I'm not sure how my neighbors might react to my harboring a roo. The folks up the hill have peacocks, and I don't see much difference in the noise level. One of my other chicks, a lovely BO, is certainly a roo. Perhaps I can persuade a I-won't-tell-if-you-don't arrangement. Is there some kind of noise-reduction material I could use?
I let the team outside to their run today. Cochin's first gander at the sky revealed a bit of a wattle. The comb looks relatively the same. Still say pullet? ARGH I don't know!

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