My turn to be suspicious- male/female cochin? (drumroll.... BOY!)

My cochins were the easiest and earliest to tell on whether they were a roo or hen. I'd say at 7 weeks that's a pullet. My roos were obvious by week 3 and the hens showed a little more red by week 7 to 8.
I agree with Tree Hugger. My Cochins were easy to tell apart; by about 4 weeks the cockerels had larger redder combs. I'd wait and give her/him a chance to grow up a little.
Hegatha-- That's good to know. They're my first flock, and the Cochin's comb seemed to develop quicker than the other pullets'.

Momagain1-- Thanks, I do hope you're right! It's a cool bird, and I'm really not supposed to keep roos.

mama24-- Great, good to know. I'd say the comb is pinkish now, but not red like one of the other ones milling about. Obviously a roo, that one!

TreeHugger-- Just in time, I guess. It's pink lemonade colored at the base and OJ toward the tips. Funny, all of the others seemed pretty obvious by 4-5 weeks... Cochin was developing over a different time line it seems.

tellynpeep-- I'll get better at this eventually, I hope! I'll post one more photo in a couple more weeks just to confirm. Thanks everyone!

My thought is pullet. I have 5 cochin bantams right now that are 5 weeks old. And to me, if I'm identifying them correctly, I have 2 boys and 3 girls. The boys have red combs and are developing their wattles - the ones I believe are girls have small to very little yellow with a hint of pink. The 2 that I believe are boys - one is very feathered out and the other hardly has any. I am basing my beliefs on the comb size and color and appearance of wattles. Hope it turns out for the best for you!
I'm pretty positive that's a pullet!

Here is my girl, she finally has feathers! My cochin's face and wattles are red, but the tip of her comb is yellow.

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Oh, she's SO adorable.
Must be almost four months now? I'm STILL unsure of mine. Here's the Buff Cochin at 15-16 weeks:



The wattles aren't looooong like the roo Cochins I've seen, but it's been known to carry off an entire turkey wing for itself on treat day... and the baaaawwwwk is sort of loud. What do y'all think now???


Edit: "He's" super cool but I'm not permitted to have roos. I already have one, so...
Do they crow more often when there's more than one?
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This morning, he started dancing around and is quite interested in making more Delawares.

I heard a crow from the run for the first time this afternoon. Since my leghorn rooster is mute (he's never made a sound after a traumatic incident), I think the verdict is clear.

Sooo... anyone is So Cal want a Cochin?

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