My Urban Backyard Warm Weather Open Air Coop & Run *PIC HEAVY*

LOVE the PVC idea... give's me a few ideas...
Oh I just love your setup!
I am in Florida too and I understand the need for the open concept coop. I drop down in the 30s for a few weeks a year at night though. When it gets too cold I just throw up a few tarps cause 90% of the year it is too hot for all those walls! Your chickens are very pretty too!
Thanks for the compliments on my coop & chickens. Oh, and I clicked on your page and see you raise rabbits. Interesting story: a few nights ago when I was watching the space shuttle launch, a big white rabbit ran across my neighbors front lawn... and I live in an urban neighborhood. I tried to catch it thinking it was most certainly somebody's pet, but I couldn't. Then today, while I was shredding up some carrots for my chickens, I looked out and saw it AGAIN, with a buddy. Some other brown bunny. Both very cute. So I went out there with a carrot in hand. They both came up to the carrot, but didn't want it. They just kept eating grass. So they have got to either be somebody's lost pets, or someone let them go b/c they didn't want them anymore. I can see it now: 2 rabbits today, 20 next week, and then by the end of the year there will be rabbits EVERYWHERE! haha. Cute little buggers. Where is Fountain FL anyway?
Excellent job on the coop/run! I too love the pvc piping that you have as a frame!
I also love the camera in the coop idea. I may have to try that one! They are always selling things like that in the baby section on C.L!!! By the way, I love St.Pete's! We went there on our honeymoon and I can't wait to go back some day!
I love love love it!! You see most coops for northen climates..Great to see some Florida style coops for a change...The heat here is to much to keep them looked in at night you need an open coop...
Wow! great job. I love the red PVC pipe. Did you glue it together? Did you just set the hutch on top of the PVC and how did you connect it to the pipe? I live in the AZ. desert, so I need open air also. Did you design it?
Great photos!
Yes I did glue it together. I set the "hutch" (coop) part on on top of the PVC base I constructed. It's pretty dang heavy, and it supports me too when I climb inside.
I attached it with some "U" shaped pipe anchors. Like the one's they use to attach galvanized electrical pipe, etc to walls. And yes, I did design it. From scratch. I originally drafted it on paper too, but as construction progressed, little things changed here and there. But for the most part it is just as my original design was drawn. Thanks for the great comments.

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