My weekend mail lady is awesome!


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA
Today i received some beautiful Welli eggs from okiehen...i was downstairs when the mail came, and so my foster son came and told me the mail lady just came and left the package inside the door for me!..i ran outside to catch her, and thanked her up and down!...
bow.gif that is a nice mail lady!... ooh...she also always leaves us dog biscuits in our mail box for our dogs!...
...i'm going to have to give her some extra money or a gift card in a nice card next weekend!...
mine is so nice too, i have got him something for all the holidays for years now, and he will drive up driveway and blow horn for me to come out when we have a package. glad mine is not like the one that did that drive by on that one poster that time.
My 7 year old daughter...well, perhaps it was more like when she was 5 or 6....wanted to write our mail lady a thank you letter for sending magazines and also that she would like another kitty magazine.

So we did write a letter and addressed it to: The mail lady

and the kitty magazine she was talking of those merchandise ones...what is it...Fosters and Smith?

I thought it was funny. She just likes to look at all the kittys on the cat towers and playing with toys....

and here i am the one paying for her Highlights magazine and she thinks it's the mail ladies doing...

ha ha.

Weve had our mail man everysince I was little, but on occasions hes off, and they get people I dont have a clue who they are, and I was out in my front yard one day, the mail woman came by, hit my mailbox, broke it halfway off the post the lid was sticking almost straight up in the air, and she put my mail in it and drove off.
I agree with you Miss Jayne, I love my regular mail man, he is great. Never had any problems with him, he will go out of his way to see you get all your mail and get it in excellent condition.
Redhen, thats exactly what she was like, she glanced over to me, turned her head and went on down the road, with my mailbox pointing straight up in the air.

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