Mystery Chick from MM *New PICS on pg 6* - any guesses?

Yeah, my McMurray rare chick in my last order from there was the white Polish pullet in my avatar. I was thrilled to get a Polish. I would have been thrilled to get a cuckoo marans for my free rare and exotic - especially if it lays nice, dark eggs.

But you should have gotten something different! I'm disappointed for you, too.
a polish pullet would be awesome! That's a very nice pic in your avatar. And yes, the Marans is nice... it's just that I was already getting 8 of them... plus, of the 9 that were sent...

- I gave 2 to the lady who split my order... hers are 1 boy, 1 girl.
- 1 died at two days old, never knew the sex
- of the 6 I kept, 4 are boys... so out of nine, I personally got 2 girls
- of the 8 that lived, we only got 3 pullets total... so not as many nice, dark eggs as would be ideal

Anyway, so I keep hearing about these cool free rare chicks - phoenix roos, polish pullets, Jersey White Giants, etc. The deal is that it was REALLY hard for me to restrain myself and only get three breeds to start. I am trying to ease myself into this... but in reality, I would love a few of ever breed of chicken available! I think they're all awesome and beautiful and interesting.... so that's why I was hoping for one special, different one.
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Hi Strawberry...

Yes, Jersey Giant was guessed before as well... and I was really holding out hope because I would love to have something different from my other breeds... but it looks like everyone here seems to agree that my chick has beards/muffs growing at this point and is most likely another EE...

Thanks for your thought, though... if it's true, I would be really happy


p.s. Strawberry, I LOVE your avatar - so awesome.
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