Mystery chickie...

makes sense because mine is a partrige rock cochin, but they have different feet of course
makes sense because mine is a partrige rock cochin, but they have different feet of course

I'm a newbie to chickens so I am in NO way an expert but wouldn't the legs be a different color then? I thought only chickens that carried the blue/green egg gene had green legs, like Lolalilu pullet in question. My Plymouth Rock chick had yellow legs but I am not sure if that is the same for a partridge.
I hate to say this but partridge rocks dont have puffy cheeks....
makes sense because mine is a partrige rock cochin, but they have different feet of course

I'm a newbie to chickens so I am in NO way an expert but wouldn't the legs be a different color then? I thought only chickens that carried the blue/green egg gene had green legs, like Lolalilu pullet in question. My Plymouth Rock chick had yellow legs but I am not sure if that is the same for a partridge.

My Partridge rocks have legs just like this chicks and look very,very similar.
yes, HOWEVER partridge rocks DONT have muffs, and EEs can have any kind of comb there is NO standard for an EE so there fore I too say EE
Well my mother just told me she went to the feed store that Lazy (the mystery chick) came from. She said they had EE and Partridge Rock chicks there this time and that they both looked just like Lazy. Sooo... we shall see.

Here she is now. She is so cute. She makes little "peep peep" noises still and likes to practice being a mom with egg sized rocks.

She didn't want to stay still, so I hope this photo is good enough for some clues.

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