Mystery Chicks


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 2, 2014
Upstate New York

The brown one hatched out of a white egg. The white one hatched out of a green egg. they're 5 1/2 weeks old now and recently moved out with the big girls. I am hoping they're both girls... Can anyone help? Boys or girls or one of each...
x2 on the red bird being a cockerel.#2 is a little trickier. Its not showing any typical male traits, but, that plumage pattern/color on Easter Eggers (which I assume it is since you stated it hatched from a green egg) is pretty strong male indicator. I'll just say that the white bird is the spitting image of my EE rooster when he was younger :)
The brown one is definitely a cockerel. The white one is an Easter Egger and given the width and redness of its comb at 5 1/2 weeks, I'm thinking it's a cockerel as well.
x2 on the red bird being a cockerel.#2 is a little trickier. Its not showing any typical male traits, but, that plumage pattern/color on Easter Eggers (which I assume it is since you stated it hatched from a green egg) is pretty strong male indicator. I'll just say that the white bird is the spitting image of my EE rooster when he was younger

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