Nabiki's Falb/Grau/Pansy Fee hatch

I guess I forgot to hit post on the reply above. In any case, Crunchy made it out (with some help :oops: because its membrane got a bit dried out).

I have one that I don't think is going to make it. It can't get up and hasn't improved since early this morning.

Yay for Crunchy.

Mr. Sideways... does he try to stand up?
Kind of, then falls right back over. I've tried holding it. It's feet are curled, but straighten up just fine when a bit of weight is put on them. It always falls over on its left side. The left wing seems to face forward too.
I would put hin in a cup to tryn help him stay upright. Theyre some kinda cute :love
It's been in the cup for almost three hours, but when I took it out, it flopped right over onto its back and couldn't get back up. The only reason its kind of standing in the cup is because there's no room for it to flop over. It's getting weaker. 😢
It's been in the cup for almost three hours, but when I took it out, it flopped right over onto its back and couldn't get back up. The only reason its kind of standing in the cup is because there's no room for it to flop over. It's getting weaker. 😢

Im sorry. You know ehat i wouod do with 48 others after giving it that chance.

Whee the heck are you going to put all of these?

Shes got space and 48 means at least 25 males so they dont count :p

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