Naked Neck chicken has two bumps on neck.


May 8, 2019
Hello, today I noticed two slightly red bumps fairly close together on my naked neck’s (or turken’s) neck, a little below her head and beak. I’m worried about what they might be. Is it possible they are just bug bites, and of so should I be worried? Or could it be worse, or nothing at all? I’ve attached an image but I’m not sure if it will show
That is approximately the location of the two cervical air sacs in chickens. They are part of the respiratory system and work to disperse oxygen into the chicken's system while dispelling CO2.

Sometimes they become inflamed. You can confirm this by inserting a sterilized needle into the swollen area just far enough to penetrate the skin. If you hear air escaping, this is what you are seeing and hearing.

You can let the air out of the other one by piercing it also. If this condition persists, it may mean the chicken has an underlying infection that may need to be treated with an antibiotic.
That is approximately the location of the two cervical air sacs in chickens. They are part of the respiratory system and work to disperse oxygen into the chicken's system while dispelling CO2.

Sometimes they become inflamed. You can confirm this by inserting a sterilized needle into the swollen area just far enough to penetrate the skin. If you hear air escaping, this is what you are seeing and hearing.

You can let the air out of the other one by piercing it also. If this condition persists, it may mean the chicken has an underlying infection that may need to be treated with an antibiotic.
Thank you for the info, and sorry for the late reply. She still has the bumps so I think I am going to treat it with something after I dig a little deeper and find out more info
The bigger lump looks like it has a head almost like a zit? I could be looking at that wrong. I would probably wipe that good with an alcohol pad, then maybe use sterilized needle or tweezers - see if there's any pus or impacted follicle in there.


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