Name the Breed and sex.

Sorry you were misinformed, but that isn't a maran. Just because it's a barnyard mix it isn't a bad bird. Half my flock is "mutts" and many times they are my sweetest birds and best layers. The only flaw is that we can't show them.
I think I'm just frustrated you cant believe how many people told they were female chickens I ended up with 3 roosters. Well my grey bird went to a farm and now I have 2 Rhode island reds and a Araucana (maybe) who knows. I'll get you a picture and see what you think.

I think I'm just frustrated you cant believe how many people told they were female chickens I ended up with 3 roosters. Well my grey bird went to a farm and now I have 2 Rhode island reds and a Araucana (maybe) who knows. I'll get you a picture and see what you think.

It can be very frustrating. I received four hens that were suppose to be last year's hens. He obviously lied to me. Two were spent hens (they didn't lay once in 7 months), one obviously had infectious bronchitis in the past because the few eggs I got from her were deformed (pigment issues, odd shaped, shell less, etc). I only got one decent hen from the four I purchased.

There are several dishonest people out there, but I'd like to have hope in the greater good. Maybe someone with more experience can go with you when you get birds? If not, get pictures from the seller of the specific birds ahead of time and post them on here to get feedback.
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