*Name the Puppy!!*


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
I am having a hard time finding just the right name for my new baby girl. Here is a picture of her and a little about her personality...

She loves running around the yard and will follow me everywhere. She loves to sleep and also tries to play with my moms big 65lb pit bull..or more so torturing him by hanging from his jowels, lol. She is VERY lovey and will lick you to death if you let her. She MUST be covered up before she will fall asleep..even on her doggy bed, she requires a small blanket

She's still pretty new so i am discovering more about her everyday. I am open to just about any name, including people names..My last girls name was Karmin & our current dogs are:
Abbey - cocker/mini eskie mix
Peaches - mini eskie
Keely - blue heeler
Bailey - HUGE black lab

New baby is a Pit/Boxer/Shepard mix with BLUE EYES

Thanks everyone

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Thank you
I am very happy we got her from where she was. she was COVERED with fleas and her fur all turned red from the flea dirt and where they were chewing her up so bad. She's been bathed twice now and just got flea meds yesterday. She's going to see the vet next month for her first shots and then spayed at 6 months. I think she'll be a really good farm dog..she already tollerates the baby goose "attacking" her, lol.
I am going to name my next red dog 'Wren' -

- might be a good one for her as well!

She is super cute!

I walk the river road down by the baseball fields often with my girls - they love to swim there!

- - - from your neighbor outside of Eatonville - - - maggie

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