Naming our flock

Since I subscribe to the theory that once you name them, you can't eat them ... all my poultry, sheep and goats have names -- as well as the dog and cats, of course.

My runner ducks generally have androgynous names, since it's hard to tell as ducklings who is a drake and who is a hen. The hens are Quinn, Paige, Claire, Grace Kelly (hey, she has a lovely necklace of white feathers, she had to be a classy lady), Sloane and Blair (the world's LOUDEST duck). Drakes are Sheldon, Skylar and Lane.

Chickens are: Buff Orpington Honey; Iowa Blues Sir Henry the Loud, Pip and Squeak; Salmon Faverolles Celeste and Camille; Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Marietta (the only bird who came pre-named); Red Frizzle Cochin Bantam Gabby (yes, she's quite the conversationalist); Barred Cochin Bantam Sally; and the Sapphire Gems Vanna and Petra.

The American Buff geese are Gussie and Golly.
My wife is obsessed with drag queens so four of ours are named after famous ones: Adore, Alaska, Trixie, and Katya. Then we have four RIR we can’t really tell apart so we named them The Weasleys, from Harry Potter. For some reason that kind of morphed into them all being named Chucky though so I say they have a shared first and last name - Chucky Weasley. The other Harry Potter name is our Easter Egger Buckbeak, she goes by Bucky. Then there is Stevie Chicks, also a RIR. And the last two EE are named Ronnie and Betty from Archie/Riverdale. They look the same but one has golden feathers on her head and the other has black feathers.
All mine have names..... my Faverolle was Matilda, my first EE was Pearl. I have GLWs: Thelma and Louise, lost their sister Lola. Lucy (Partridge Rock, my little feisty redhead) and Ethel (barred Rock). EEs Shirley and Laverne. Speckled Sussex Harriett and her sister Willow, Scarlett ( black Australorp, was very chatty and bossy as a youngster). My smallest scrawny girl is also EE and her name is Chicken Nugget. Olivia is Barred Rock

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