Nankin Discussion Thread

By four weeks, you should start seeing significant differences in the comb and wattles. Here's some pictures of a pullet and roo about that same age. Nankin roosters combs usually redden up quite early.


Yup, the cockerels' combs red up pretty early.
One of my hens just set a clutch but only two hatched. It's the lowest hatch rate I've ever had. Usually my hens lay around 8-11 eggs and there has been a 99-100% hatch rate, so this one was a suprise. But the two peeps are healthy. Has anyone noticed that you can often tell a cockerel chick from a pullet chick within a day or so? Mine seem to be kind of a sexlink, with the males having a darker, more reddish fuzz and the females being more of the buff. Then the cockerels feather out that Nankin chestnut while the pullets are "strawberry blonde buff."

KyBlue, your situation is a bit different, though, as your cockerel looks "hen colored." What a cutie though.
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My Nankin babies today, well almost, took picture last week, so they are close to 6 weeks now. Not sure about black in the wings? Is this something that some have? Came from franciscreek... his birds are beautiful!
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They are looking good as they get older you will like their looks even more.

I was told yesterday by the guy that I bought them from, that a couple of molts can lighten the body color..had to fix that.
Sooo sweet, can't say that enough.
I can hardly wait to see them grown up!
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when i was talking about the color fading i was referring to the buff body color. The nankins seem to fade a little after their second molt. That is one of things we as breeders need to work on. The black in the wing and the tail should stay. I will take a coulpe pics of a young cockerel and pullet with what i consider good color and post in the next couple of days.

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