Nankin Discussion Thread

I think so, keeping them divided up and the vitamins in their water and everyone is healing up nicely with no evidence of fresh picking.(Well I did catch ONE picking a neighbors shoulder, but closer inspection revealed the presence of a bit of dehydrated apricot stuck to the fuzz. So I guess if that one doesn't count. If they are going to roll around in thier treats not much I can do about THAT
Glad to hear they are doing better! Also, I found another thread here on BYC about Nankins that answers LOTS of questions and has some pics of birds. It's titled just "Nankin".
Some more of my chicks. This will be about 3 weeks old:

Perhaps someone could explain what's up with the darkening of my chick's beaks? I haven't seem many close-up of adults but are they supposed to be turning that dark grey? I'm noticing alot really beautiful blue legs in mine though, happy to see that. And yes, the aftermath of the feather picking can be seen here. But as mention above, Everyone seems to be healing nicely and I haven't seen any fresh picks in 48 hours now.
Griffinkid, from what I've read the dark on the beaks is fine. A lot of mine have dark beaks towards the base too. The legs will probably get darker as they get older. My 6 original birds that I just posted pics of, their legs have darkened the older they have gotten, and those pink stripes showed up later too :). Feather color in the babies changes a lot as they grow, at least it did with my 6, so I wouldn't base any decision on feather color for awhile. It will be interesting to see what happens with my new 25 birds.

Mary Ann Harley advised me not to cull too early, although I'm wondering if I should go ahead and find new homes for my birds with imperfect combs. It would seem to me that this would be a "first impression" issue with a judge, and since it's hereditary, perhaps it should have some importance. That is just my thought, I may be completely wrong. Opinions from the more experienced definitely welcome!
Griffinkid, from what I've read the dark on the beaks is fine. A lot of mine have dark beaks towards the base too. The legs will probably get darker as they get older. My 6 original birds that I just posted pics of, their legs have darkened the older they have gotten, and those pink stripes showed up later too :). Feather color in the babies changes a lot as they grow, at least it did with my 6, so I wouldn't base any decision on feather color for awhile. It will be interesting to see what happens with my new 25 birds.

Mary Ann Harley advised me not to cull too early, although I'm wondering if I should go ahead and find new homes for my birds with imperfect combs. It would seem to me that this would be a "first impression" issue with a judge, and since it's hereditary, perhaps it should have some importance. That is just my thought, I may be completely wrong. Opinions from the more experienced definitely welcome!
Culling early can be a problem unless you see a structural part of the chicken that does not look right. (crooked toes, crossed beak,telescoped comb in the rosecombs). In the single comb variety it may not be as much of a "first impression" thing as you depends what the comb problem is. If it is too many or too few points, it is usually the last thing the judge is going to worry about. It is a 1/2 point each deduction. The whole comb only has five points to deduct unless it has a DQ. Rosecombs are another matter. There is about 35 points from the neck up in rosecomb breeds.....and rosecombs are a "first impression" situation......because that is the first place they are going to go when they pull the bird out to exam it.

Thank you Walt! So my RC with the telescoped comb would probably do better as a showmanship bird for a 4H kid probably? I'm guessing I don't want to use an RC cockerel/rooster with a telescoping comb as a breeder. One of my SC's, the back of his comb, from the last point back, makes almost a 90 degree turn to one side. It doesn't flop.......if you look at it from the top it has a bend in it. I don't really know how the rest of him sizes up. He is light colored. They are 4 months old. Pictures of them are on the other Nankin thread. Have a look!


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