Nasty eye infection (pics)


Here's a different angle. Looks less like sinuses and more like the eye? I've read all the links, ready to head back out and do some better checking.
Back. Good news is that her eye still looks ok. The mass is solid and doesn't wiggle even a bit. I'll try the surgery in the morning when DH can assist. I don't think I can hold and cut at the same time. Do most people do it alone?
Do take pictures as you're working on it. You might get lucky and be able to get it out without cutting. Either way, please do take pictures. Might be a good idea to get some stypic powder, 'cause it will probably bleed if you have to cut.


I had one with a hard mass . Im not remembering who did surgery on here that I was linked too . I know it wasnt chickens . I was not successful unfortunately But thats not what killed him. He lived a very long time like that.

good luck Camping
Do take pictures as you're working on it. You might get lucky and be able to get it out without cutting. Either way, please do take pictures. Might be a good idea to get some stypic powder, 'cause it will probably bleed if you have to cut.


So I should try mashing it out again? Honestly it seems like if I could get under it, I could dig it out. Being the eye, I'm hesitant to try that.

You think it's better to go out past the eye than cutting and pushing it out underneath?

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