nasty male duck....

One of my ducks isn't the best looking duck as far as feathering (barring is missing on one wing), but she has so much personality I am definitely hatching out some of her babies next year!!! Personality and heath are the two most important traits as far as I am concerned. Looks come after that.
One of my Campbell babies is like that. She has one puff on the back of her head and one on the side. Oh, yeah, and I agree about breeding only the friendly animals. Even our goat herd sire is a sweet heart.
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I agree when my male nips me too hard I give him a quick but light smack and then he thinks twice about doing it again. Treat them like a naughty dog and don't be afraid to give them a smack, otherwise they think they can keep doing it.
I've got a similar problem with my Pekin drake. He's very aggressive towards me and any visitors to the house. Constantly attacking at my feet and hands when I'm filling the water dish. Keeping a broom close by helps but is bloody inconvenient when he's free range and I just want to peg out my washing. I've tried holding him down and making sure he can't bite me while I hold him to show him I'm boss. I've done this a few times a day for over a two months and it doesn't seem to help. When I let go he just jumps up and starts biting me again. I also have two hens which he loves and protects (but it doesn't seem to be related, he runs for me when he hears me coming and I'm nowhere near the hens). I thought maybe he just needed a duck girlfriend so I rescued a Muscovy. He ignored her for the first few months but I saw them having a paddle together the other day and since then she's laid an egg! (First time since I've had her two months) So she must be happy he's finally paying her attention. However he's still acting the same way towards me. It's tiresome, but I don't want to rehome him... And I'm definitely not eating him! Any suggestions?! Thanks in advance
Eat it. J/k, but not really... Like some have mentioned, nasty waterfowl isn't worth having around. Trust me. I've given away nasty rotten mean drakes because I didn't want that trait to influence the flock.

It's like one rotten apple can and will ruin the rest.

All my ducks are very tame. Whenever there's a mean one, the moment I notice it, it's gone. Given away as food. (I don't cull my own ducks for food, rather I give them to my neighbors who raise chickens for food...)
Waterfowl are very interesting creatures. You can try isolating the drake so that it's by itself, making sure it has no view of other ducks around. Think of it as punishment. You need to show it who's boss. Feed it very little and if need be make it come to you to eat food from your hands.

You can try mounting him as well. This has actually worked wonders with my blue swede drake. It was one nasty I've mounted it several times until it got the point. You have to have a lot of patients for this to be effective. Mount it for at least 3-5 minutes or don't do it at all. A few seconds is useless. If you're not familiar with mounting let me know and I'll be more than happy to share with you how to do it properly.
Thanks aloha, I'm not sure if I am mounting correctly, I read on another thread to hold him down and kind of flatten him out, as well as hold onto his neck so he can reach around to bite. I guess I usually hold him down for about 30 seconds to a minute. Also, I'm not sure how I can feed him less. Maybe I'm currently doing it wrong! But I have one big feeder for the two hens and two ducks full of seeds and pellets, and then I give them scraps on the ground. Would I have to isolate him completely (day and night)? And for how long do you think? I've only got the one shed for the four of them, they seem to share it fine. I'm really keen to try anything, rejoining is going to be very last resort! Thanks so much
I came across something interesting when it came time to put my drake back in the pen. My girlfriend tried to guide him in there by walking behind him but he didn't move at all. As if she had no authority over him. Then I told her I'd give it a try and he responded straight away. I can think of a few reasons why he might of done this but really it's just funny to think that he doesn't take orders from females. Any one have experiences like this before?

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