Nathalie’s little flock (intro)


5 Years
Oct 7, 2018
The Netherlands
Hi everyone,

I have already introduced myself before, but thought i’d do it again, only this time i’ve updated a few things. Hope you don’t mind..

So, i’m Nathalie from The Netherlands (born & raised in the city Eindhoven and living in a village called Son & Breugel, haha that must sound so weird to you guys who speak english).

I have 2 sons (24 and 21yo) from a previous marriage. My youngest one lives with us.
Hb and i are together for almost 12 years now, we moved in at his house in 2014.
Hb and i are married for almost 3 years.

I have a parttime job at “Active Care” where i help people with their households, take them out for shopping and give them a chance to talk to someone.
I’m glad to have this (parttime) job so i still have enough time for my hobby’s.

As a little girl i always loved playing with makeup; there was a time i wanted to make a start at the beautyschool, but i didn’t match the requirements.. is still one of my hobby’s.
I made an Instagram account for it, as well as i did for my little flock(?).

In 2015 our very first chicken -we named Chickie- literally walked into our lives.
That’s when my love for chickens started.
I have written a little story about her here on BYC a little while ago, in Introducing and in my photo album.

Unfortunately Chickie died in 2017, just a few weeks after our (boxer) dog died (12 yo).

We have one hen, called Diva, who also walked in our lives, in 2017 (after Bono our dog died) Tbh, i hope there will be a few more chickens...just a few...

We also have a rooster, who doesn’t have a real name (yet), we call him Boy (Menneke in dutch!) but we’re not really fond of this name haha, so it can change still.

Diva’s about 2 years and Boy just turned 1 in february.
We’re not sure what breed they are, so maybe i’ll find out here..
They both love t cuddle and get their massages every now and then.

Boy takes good care of our little flock and can be defensive when it comes to the ladies..
Diva is a real Diva..when it comes to the pecking order, she’s the one who’s boss.

We also have 8 guinea fowls (we got their eggs from my son’s boss, when he had his internship at “Oermuseum” (prehistoric musea). This was one of my first times hatching eggs.
3 of them are 7 months, and the other 5 are 6 months. 7 boys and 1 girl..
I just love these guineas, i can watch them for hours.

We kept them with us almost all the time after they hatched and they’re very tame. The only time they ‘yell’ is when one or more are on the barn roof or on the fence (where they can reach the neighbours’ backyard) so basically they only yell when they are split up.

I think they’re used to many sounds (i vacuüm the house while they where in the livingroom when they were younger, turned on music while i held them -i still do-).
They also know when me or my hb come home, they kind of greet us with these little whistle sounds.
The love roosting on our legs.

I have hatched eggs for 5 times now, at this moment i have 5 in the incubator which will start hatching tomorrow..(i had 11, but 6 didn’t make it when i candled them on day 7). I got them from our “Wyandotte sisters”. Fingers crossed..

Recently we also bought 2 Wyandotte hens. They told us they’re about one year old.

One of them is broody(?) at the moment: yesterday when i let them out of the little coop, she went to eat, drink and bathe and after that she immediately returned to the laying nest and sat there for quite some hours. Later that day she came out to eat, drink and bathe again, but after that returned to her nest.
Today she did the same..

I don’t have experiences with a broody hen, so i’m trying to read as much as i can about it.
I don’t know what will happen, but i’m glad she at least leaves the laying nest a couple of times a day.

Unfortunately we don’t live outside the village (i wish we did) otherwise we would have a bigger coop.
But then, they all seem very happy to live here (and we don’t have complaining neighbours for as far as i’m aware of).

We still have our very first (little) coop in our garden and last year we bought a bigger one.
Diva and Lizzy (guinea fowl girl) spend their nights inside our house, as well as Boy..
The other guinea fowls sleep in the big coop and our 2 Wyandottes in the little one.

I wish we could move to a (little?) farm somewhere..just so i (we) could have the freedom and space to have more (different kind of) animals..haha, who wouldn’t dream of that?

Anyways, i’m glad to have found this forum, there’s so much info about everything and very kind people here.

I guess my intro turned out a little longer than i wanted to..
A little update: 2 eggs have already pipped the outer shell:eek:this evening (it’s now 2am in the morning, we just watched the Eurovision Song Contest, and we -The Netherlands- won!).

My youngest son (Nick) checked on the eggs (i knew one already pipped) and noticed this big crack..
I actually have butterflies in my stomache:fl:love
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I love the picture of your guinea fowl. I'm sure they keep you very entertained!
I live in the country, so can tell you that there are good and bad things about living without so many neighbors. On the Good Side is that I can have any animal I can justify to my husband and take care of. Bad Sides would be how far we have to travel to get groceries, ans the number of wild animals who want to eat our flock.
I hope you are able to reach your dreams, whatever they end up being.
Best wishes!
Hi WhoDatChick:frow
Thank you! They are all very sweet.
Yes i hope so too, (i only hatched guineas till now)
I notice the difference in shells when they made the first pip, guineas egg shells are so much thicker..
I better get some sleep (3.30am!) haha, i’m so excited.
(I can blame that song contest of this evening;))

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