National Anthem

To each their own, but I'm proud of that flag and I'm proud
of what it stands for.

To see that American flag standing tall on a windy
still moves me. And nothing sadder than to see her flying

And if the day ever comes that I can no longer stand on my own
for the National Anthem, then I'll want the people around me to
grab me by the arms and hold me up.

Same here Spook..
To each their own, but I'm proud of that flag and I'm proud
of what it stands for.

To see that American flag standing tall on a windy
still moves me. And nothing sadder than to see her flying

And if the day ever comes that I can no longer stand on my own
for the National Anthem, then I'll want the people around me to
grab me by the arms and hold me up.

Spook, please don't make me tear up. I've had a long day.

And I agree. The flag flying in the wind has always and will always give me chills. I wish those who fought and died for it to fly could see that the star-spangled banner does still wave.
Quote: Ah sweet! I wasn't sure, and didn't want you to agree with a statement that you didn't actually agree with. Wow. That made no sense.

Quote: Heck, I'm so glad to see that you are understanding of differences, and that you show your differences respectfully. The best of both worlds!

Quote: Spook, you'll probably find that even some of the non-standers will help you with that should such a day come. Well, maybe not the ones chatting on their cell phones. But maybe them too.
"Conduct during playing the national anthem when the flag is displayed:
(A) all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart; (B) men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and (C) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; and (2) when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed."

Even when watching tv from bed my quadriplegic best friend has me place his hand over his heart any time the anthem is played, and when in public he has somebody hold his hand up in place over his heart. He has no issue sternly instructing any able bodied folks within ear shot that dare be disrespectful, and they take's no fun being toe pinched with a 400 pound chair.

The law was recently amended to allow Military Retirees to render the hand salute during the playing of the national anthem even when in civilian clothing.

It's actually Federal law to stand. Title 36 United States Code: 301.

In light of the above quoat, Maybe you don't feel as strongly enough about our country as I do if you think it is harrasment to engourage others to do what is correct.
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Re: standing for the National Anthem. I am really surprised that anyone would get away with sitting down for the National Anthem in America! I'm Irish, have lived in the United Kingdom and now live in Australia. Every time the National Anthem of each of these countries is played in public everyone, who can, stands to attention and sings. I dont stand at home if the National Anthem is being played on TV but I do sing along.....badly LOL :)
Re: standing for the National Anthem. I am really surprised that anyone would get away with sitting down for the National Anthem in America! I'm Irish, have lived in the United Kingdom and now live in Australia. Every time the National Anthem of each of these countries is played in public everyone, who can, stands to attention and sings. I dont stand at home if the National Anthem is being played on TV but I do sing along.....badly LOL :)

Welcome!!!!!! I don't stand at home, but I certainly do at sporting events, etc. It is unheard of to sit. Who sits????
Quote: Hey Deb, there are many different kinds of people who do not, and for many different reasons. A wider example would be some Jehovah's witnesses due to beliefs involving God, and allegiance to God. Some war veterans choose not to stand, and take comfort in the fact that the rights they fought for (Freedom of speech, which not standing for the anthem falls under. This is why the law of standing during the anthem is not enforced.) are being protected. Some individuals are passionate about their country, but do not stand in protest of what they see as a downward trend in the future of their nation. Some do not approve of patriotic displays, for what can be religious or personal reasons. One example is because some do not feel that men and women should be divided by national boundaries. Another is because some feel patriotism should be displayed through action, and feel the anthem is pageantry. I am sure there are many others as well. I am leaving out those who just don't stand much at all because they are engaged in their electronic device, hotdog, etc, as I don't think that falls under ideological reasons.

I should also note that I've seen a lot of confusion over God Bless America versus The Star Spangled Banner. Some mistakenly think that GBA is our national anthem. I know several people who will stand for the anthem but not GBA (and only two of them are atheists...or agnostics...I'm not sure which).

Hope that scratches the surface at least! But, a great way to find out is always to ask someone in person. I've learned a lot about why people do certain things a certain way due to this...and the more I ask, the wider a range I find. :) I remember asking friends in high school why some did not give or receive gifts on Christmas, though they recognized the holiday. It really started making me think and want to explore and learn more.
and mlame excus

Welcome!!!!!! I don't stand at home, but I certainly do at sporting events, etc. It is unheard of to sit. Who sits????

I agree, Debi... i agree.
Unless you physically CANT stand, theres no reason not to stand...
the rest is all BS and lame excuses...
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I think it's a person's freedom to stand or sit during the National Anthem. If a law is passed to make it illegal to sit during the National Anthem then isn't that another personal freedom taken from the American people? I'm not advocating to stand or sit. That is a personal decision be it beliefs or for medical reasons, just being to tired to stand or tending to a babe in arms. I may get a lot of flak for my statements but so be it.

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