National Coming Out Day

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I think all these "fired up" opinions melted it

The melting pot only works ,when people come together and reproduce..........not going happen with gay couples.
chickensducks&agoose :

Well, as a former teenager, I can honestly say that many teenagers are VERY stupid, and self conscious, and self involved, and afraid... which, if you add in a heavy secret, a feeling that they need to hide who they really are, it can lead to trouble. Statistics say that 10% or more (probably more) of people worldwide are gay, so that's at least 10% of our BYC members, and likely includes at least a few people in each family. yes, yours and mine too. thats just fact, not opinion or inflammatory.

I think it is condesending of you to even begin to judge how I feel about another person being gay or not. I did invite a homeless lesbian couple to live in my home for over a year. I also have a gay family member. I am christian and do not agree with the lifestyle. But I do believe in caring for other people. I think, in a big christian way. So to make my point once again, you can't discuss gay without sexual inference. Therefore not family friendly. Final post on this.​
chickensducks&agoose :

openminded= not discriminating against people for their personal beliefs...

Good. My personal belief is that gay is NOT okay. And everyone should be okay with that.​
I'd just like to say, as the OP, I opened this thread hoping to start a discussion about people's beliefs (mission accomplished, apparently!). I didn't open it thinking that it would never get locked. I opened it to get people to start addressing their paradigms and try to figure out WHY they believe the things they do.

I believe everyone is entitled to their beliefs and I don't think that people need to go around waving signs saying "I'm GAY!", but I do believe that there needs to come a day when people can discuss a same sex partner the same way that I talk about my husband. I think we need to have discussions like this so that people realize that gays and lesbians are all around us, and that they deserve the same rights as the rest of us.

My father is gay, which is one of the reasons why I am so pro-LGBT rights. He was raised in a catholic household, in which being gay was considered an unequivocal sin. He knew, at the age of 3, that he was gay and that he was a "bad" person for being gay. For years, he struggled with this and with himself because of it. He married twice and had four children in an attempt to be "normal", but both marriages eventually failed because of his sexual orientation.

When he finally opened up and admitted to himself that he wanted his life-partner to be a man, it changed his life dramatically. He became happier and more open and began to thoroughly enjoy life instead of feeling persecuted. He now has a wonderful partner who the whole family loves, and he's happier than he's ever been in his life.

I am proud to call him my father, and am very willing to stand up for his rights to marry who he chooses and enjoy the same rights that the rest of the nation enjoys. I am so thankful that my daughter gets to grow up around these two wonderful men who help teach her tolerance and ensure that her her mind stays open to all of the various forms of love in the world.

If this thread gets closed, so be it. I hope that, for just a second, someone here thought a little harder about their beliefs and why they believe what they do. My only hope is that this thread triggered somebody to think.

Thanks for reading
OP, you must also be thankful that he did not always act on being gay. Otherwise there would be no you. I'd support his decisions too, and am glad it wasn't always easy for him, else we'd be lacking a valuable member of this forum. I bet he is a better person for having you around him and his partner. I bet he enjoys those grandkids, and all the family time you all spend together. I bet he doesn't regret having the family he has one little bit. All made possible by heterosexual acts.
Things I have Learned by Living a Long Time:
- I am unlike anyone else on the planet.
- Not everybody is going to like me/understand me/agree with me.
- It doesn't matter that not everybody is going to like me/understand me/agree with me. I need to be my own person and live my life the way I should.
- I can still be friends with those I don't understand or agree with.
- No matter what my personal opinions and/or religious beliefs might be about someone else, there is no reason to be hateful to others. Every major religion and most non-religions say somewhere in thier belief systems "Do unto others as you would have them do to you." I may not believe like you do. I should still be respectful of you.

Now to quote my father- "Y'all play sweet now."
Springchicken , you did get alot of people thinking.

I hear that many times, reason I don't think people are born gay. They either learn or change their life to the gay side. Many gay men start after raising family and then change to the gay life.
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