natural antibiotics

i think you will find out that storys guide to raising ducks by dave Holderreid Dave has said pretty much the same i have said about ducks can eat just about anything humans can ..
including mashed potatoes . perhaps ducks just might like a little onion dip with their potatoe chips.. have you tried?
just wanted to add that back yard poutry magazine after i researched has a good article for poulty raisers on using garlic as electralite

its in issue april and may 2012
im also not saying any amount of choclate wont kill a dog

Iam saying a chocolate hershey candy bar weighs about 1.6 ounces and it would at least take 15 .0 ounces to do the job on a average size dog with limited tolerance for theobromine .. other candy bars propably have less real choclate or no real choclate in them..

that means the averidge size dog with minimum tolerance to theobromine would have to eat more than just 7 or 8 " real choclate "candy bars in a limited amount of time --to do the job

some real choclate candy bars may have more theobromine than others and may weigh more

also ..

but im using a averidge hersey bar here and averidge weight dog ..

many things in exagerated intakes-- can become toxic most people wouldnt use choclate candy bars in such a exagerated amounts to give their dogs ..

little dogs would take less of course every thing depends on weight and how much theobromine
alkoloid is in the chocalate..

theobromine has medicinal purposes as well .. a little choclate for a dog with high blood pressure might be a excellent idea .. may even save some one some exspecive over the counter medacine .. im sure the drug companys would not agree.
Originally Posted by ChristineR

That's not necessarilty true. Onions, chocolate, caffeine, just to name a few, are toxic to birds.


who told you that onions caffine and choclate are toxic to ducks ?
none of these are known to have natural antibiotics so its rather off topic still ----------- i doubt in very moderate amounts any of these would harm a duck especialy onions .

i know moderate amounts of choclate i have given to my dogs as treats . and often have shared a choclate bar with one of them and never had any problems
and some of muy dogs have lived well over the years some veternarians dogs ,i know have.. perhaps do to no choclate and not enough time spent with their dogs ..
It is off topic, but you mention that ducks can eat anything we can and that's not true. I just didn't want anyone to make their ducks sick feeding them the wrong thing.
i think you will find out that storys guide to raising ducks by dave Holderreid Dave has said pretty much the same i have said about ducks can eat just about anything humans can ..
including mashed potatoes . perhaps ducks just might like a little onion dip with their potatoe chips.. have you tried?
Cooking the potato skins makes them safe for ducks to eat.
im also not saying any amount of choclate wont kill a dog

Iam saying a chocolate hershey candy bar weighs about 1.6 ounces and it would at least take 15 .0 ounces to do the job on a average size dog with limited tolerance for theobromine .. other candy bars propably have less real choclate or no real choclate in them..

that means the averidge size dog with minimum tolerance to theobromine would have to eat more than just 7 or 8 " real choclate "candy bars in a limited amount of time --to do the job

some real choclate candy bars may have more theobromine than others and may weigh more

also ..

but im using a averidge hersey bar here and averidge weight dog ..

many things in exagerated intakes-- can become toxic most people wouldnt use choclate candy bars in such a exagerated amounts to give their dogs ..

little dogs would take less of course every thing depends on weight and how much theobromine
alkoloid is in the chocalate..

theobromine has medicinal purposes as well .. a little choclate for a dog with high blood pressure might be a excellent idea .. may even save some one some exspecive over the counter medacine .. im sure the drug companys would not agree.
This is all beside the point. Just because you can eat a little bit of something without it killing you, doesn't make it good for you and it doesn't mean it's not doing damage to internal organs.
If you're looking for a natural antibiotic, get some manuka honey. It's proven to kill bacteria. Some hospitals use it on their bandages.
good tip thanks ----well worth looking up on how to use it.. There was also some good warnings tips before about garlic use perhaps onions and some other common things ..

i do think its important to concider every thing both the good and bad and if one has no choise! but to use somthing common, such as garlic because thats all they have at the time .

the warning will certainly curb their overuse of such products so thanks for those who gave warning tips also.. over use of garlic eternaly in ducks has been noted to give ducks scours and if a person continues to use garlic internaly on the duck one can besure to exspect a dead duck..

but keeping again with this theme of the good qualities --garlic of course is more common in manny house holds .. and propably would be the first thing many people would have access to .

remember just because a little bit is good.. that does not mean a whole lot more would be better. that i think goes for perscribed drugest medacines also..
im not getting after you what your saying should be concidered ---after all your advice is good advice.. because it would curb over use of a natural product such as garlic ..

how many of us have thought with store bought medacine..

since a little bit made me feel so good------------- forget those directions i think i will take a whole lot more and feel wonderful like a superman.

that sort of thinking does not always work out so well with store bought medacine---------- or with home made remedieds.. it can be deadly for both ..

once my duck started eating i discontinued use .. also i gave it just a little bit of the garlic .. .

thanks so much for helping make this topic interesting.. no one can learn much from yes zombies
Instead of prescription antibiotics you can give them some very moldy bread pieces, after all this is what penicillin made first. On the second thought, oh wait, don't do it, it will kill your duck as moldy food is well known to cause coccidiosis. <- With respect, just wanted to show the insuitability of your logic.

Clove oil mixed in wheat germ is a very good topical antibiotic cream, you can even enhance it with some fresh aloe vera juice if you have the right specie of the herb at home (like I do). Works wonders on scoured/slashed/burnt skin. Also, I think it is unethical to force fed animals, veterinary medicines are usually designed to be taken by animals or injections afaik.
what you say is only partual true
you can set bread out in approx 70 degree warmth for a week or so and you may or may not have the correct mold that pennicillin can be made from ..

one would have to test the mold first to see exactly what mold did grow. the penicillin producing mold or a lethal sort of mold with no antibiotic properties..

you can put the mold to a test in a petrie dish that has been contaminated with bacteria

Penacillin works by attacking and weakining the bacteria's cell wall and preventing it from developing new cells..
by the way penicillin is not the new discovery some think it is .. it has been know to have been discovered by more ancient civillizations and has been used both on people and animals. by more
primitive methods than we have now and with the same results we have now..
all i can say is that before i gave the garlic treatment the duck did not eat for several days and after the garlic was given the duck ate..

and the duck is still doing just fine to this day..

and that garlic has been proven to have anti biotic properties ..

no one has to believe me or use it .. i really could care less if they chose not to and never did use it.. ..

i simply posted what i did and the results..and wondered if any one else used natural anti biotics and their results...

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