Natural dewormers work?

Hello thank you for taking time to read I recently bought a chicken dewormer called depurox it says it's all natural does that really work then? Don't get me wrong I use garlic and it works for certain things but will this really get rid of parasites?
The short answer is no, natural dewormers don't work, not garilc, pumpkin seeds, or anything else I've read about.
I've tried on ebay but always get depurox as a result😭it's following me also done Amazon but it's technically the same different name

Looking at where you live, ask at your pet/feed shop or if you know another Keeper, ask what they use.

Doubtful you'll find anything on Amazon unless it's Safeguard/Panacur (Fenbendazole) goat dewormer or horse paste.

For Ebay or Etsy - look for the above mentioned, but you may also find Bastonero Plus, Wormal, etc.
Some things you need to know how to search for so you can source them. "Gamefowl Supplies" will likely get you better results in your area than "chicken dewormer".
You get me?;)
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